When I was in New York earlier in the year I came across two things amongst many which have inspired me in terms of how video work could develop in an immersive environment. The first being and exhibition of Bill Viola's work at MoMA ( Museum of Modern Art). A piece called 'Stations' (1994) which showed bodies submerged in water hanging, suspended in space on three giant screens, and below the screens reflections were projected onto granite polished slabs on the floor beneath each screen. It was very effective and emotive especially with the use sound (water, splashing etc). I feel I could experiment in this way with video, animation, surfaces and space with 'The Thoughts' maybe with the different choices on different screens, but adding more complexity and scale representing the characters thoughts as they grow and develop. The use of reflections I find could have some milege in terms of what you see or what you think you see.

The second use of video in and immersive environment was at the Rockerfeller Centre 'The Top of The Rock' tower. In a commercial setting video was used on different curved screens playing different camera angles and shots of footage showing you an history of the area etc. This was really effective and it was also used to direct you through to the elevators. When you were in the elevatore shooting up the so many floors more video footage was projected around the elevator and on the glass ceiling, it was very effective and awe inspiring. When you got to the top of the rock the views were stunning, but also there was an interactive display by'Apple' where in the room/area waiting for the elevators was animated projections on every surface, walls, floors,ceiling etc. If you touched certain areas doors would open, sounds were created different abstract shapes and colours came into view. Again it was an amazing use of interactive, immersive space yet also quite confusing. I kept wondering whether anyone got stuck in the room wondering what the hell was going on. Again I have been influenced by this idea of projecting images on different surfaces to add meaning or make the viewer feel a certain way or something. I think it is important to get this idea clear that everyone will have a unique experience and everyone's thoughts will be unique and could interact with 'The Thoughts' in a unique way.
I will show some visuals of how the prototype could work in this way.
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