First: The interface design and most of the animations will be in greyscale so that it is in keeping with "The Conversation" footage which was shot in black and white. This will help keep consistency within the appearence which I feel is important. However within parts of the animation there will be flashes of colour to add meaning, tension and intrigue etc.
Second: I have now been reviewing my past work in Flash and developing my skills and techniques. After exploring other software I have decided to adapt my deliverables somewhat and produce the Interface and Animations in Flash, although there will be some work produced in Final-Cut and Soundtrack Pro. The main SWF file (Interface) will be 800x600 pixels and 12fps, so primarily aimed at the web but also other interactive platforms as well. The animations will be separate Flash movie files which will load into place holders in the main SWF file.
I will keep with the idea of the 3 animations for this scene 4 prototype as so:
1. 5 second clip, 200x100 pixels (initial, dark, nightmarish thoughts).
2. 8 second clip, 300x200 pixels (growing, over the top, fantasy, dreamlike thoughts).
3. 13 second clip, 400x300 pixels (more developed, rational thoughts-mixed with live footage etc).
this is all keeping with earlier ideas, but more developed. Getting across the idea that thoughts develop and become more rational as they grow.
So I will hand in:
1. A complete Flash prototype concentrating on Scene 4. Handed in on CD.
2. Back-up work including my sketchbook/log and this reflective, critical blog.
3. Ideas/visuals on how this project could be taken further in terms of Interactive Design/Media.
Third: I have now completely sorted out the narrative structure of the film/animations and how everything works together (based around the shell/Golen Ratio concept). I will continue to develop this as I progress with the project keeping in mind the viewer's/user's experience. I will also use the sound from "The Conversation" plus added atmospheric soundscapes. However I will only use some of the real footage in clip 3(as above).
Here are some ideas from my sketchbook:

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