Plan: "The Thoughts" Online Interactive Film.
I have now completed visual research and initial ideas and now know the direction I want to proceed in.
Tomorrow I'm off to New York and I will be back around the 19/03/07.
I will produce a prototype for "The Thoughts" based on using either Scene 3 (the wine glasses) or scene 4 (the kiss), both scenes have potential in terms of visual metaphors within the script and I will choose one to work on over the next week whilst in New York.
5 - 16/03/07 (New York): I will write script for the thoughts related to scenes 3 or/and 4 and upload to Blog. i will also produce still and moving images, capture sounds which I could use in some of the animated sequences or dream like shots etc. Also continue to refine idea and plan.
17 - 25/03/07: I will choose exact scene and script. Produce storyboards and detailed descriptions/visuals by hand and in Photoshop/Fireworks. Wednesday 21/03/07 I will show Martin scripts, storyboards and visuals etc.
26-30/03/07: I'm having an operation so will be out of action.
1-15/04/07: Easter - I will create Moving Imagery, Animations and sound in Final Cut, Soundtrack Pro and Flash.
After this I will see how I am progressing with this project and present and get feedback from Martin etc. I will then work on the Interactive Flash work using Actionscript (this is going to be the part that will test me and I will try to find someone to help - If there is anybody out there who wishes to get involved in this project who possesses very good Actionscript skills let me know).
I will then try to upload onto the Web and test this prototype. i will produce a demonstrator etc.
I also plan to create visuals which show how this film could work on a mobile platform and in an interactive spatial immersive environment.
1. Film Plan and Script
2. Storyboards and Visuals
3. Animations and Movies - QuickTime and Flash files.
4. Interactive Flash prototype for 1 complete scene of Interactive Film.
5. Visuals for how Interactive Film could work on a mobile platform and in an Interactive, Spatial, Immersive Environment.
6. Online critical/reflective Blog with link to "The Thoughts" Interactive Film and Visuals.
Deadline: Beginning of June 07.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Personal Project Update - Interactive Narratives

My understanding of this area is now growing. In sessions and my own research i'm now narrowing down a structure to use for my Personal Project. I'm going to use a narrative structure influenced by the Shell structure as shown in Martin's session and based on the Golden Ratio - 1.618033989 / Golden Spiral - using a certain ratio for everything, based on the Fibonacci numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and 34 - based on the ratio/proportion of how certain things in nature grow. Looking at this idea of the divine proportion and beauty and things growing/developing at that ratio. So I will use this approximate ratio, shape/spiral etc for my Narrative structure and there will be 3 options/choices for the viewer at each stage to interact with and progress the narrative. This structure will be a spiral shape with digressions, so it will work in a linear way but with so many choices and the viewer could use the structure in two ways - two endings/two starting points etc. refer to sketches.
I'm relating this to the idea of how thoughts grow inside the mind - natural thoughts, thinking out loud and inner thoughts. Each option clip will also be influenced by the Golden Ratio as well in terms of time/length of the clip. Scenes/choices in the inner spiral will be shorter in length than the next arc of the spiral and so on. I will play with the idea of revealing or concealing thoughts and using the spiral in a directional way and speed of clip - maybe slow-motion to playing in revearse etc. Also the clips on the outer arc of the spiral could be more negative/dark and clips on the inner arc could be positive and light, so that the narrative progresses at the viewers choice in a lighter or darker way. I want to play with hidden thoughts and length of footage determined by viewers choices etc.
I will use film footage from "The Conversation" and my own animated images to reveal the thoughts of the characters grwoing and appearing then disapearing creating a sense of mystery and magic. So creating differentiation between the real and the abstract thoughts - creating a dreamlike appearence.
The visual language of this project will be influenced again by the above - creating something which is organic that can grow - a natural beauty. So the film footage will be in the style of a film directed by Peter Chelsom called "Serendipity" (beautifully crafted shots using lights etc). For the thoughts the animations will be influenced by some scenes in Richard Linklater's "Waking Life" and maybe "A Scanner Darkly". Using bright/bold colours and shapes and light bursts creating a dreamlike state etc and maybe using this 'rotoshop' technique for parts. I will craft both together to create a consistent feel/look and a seamless quality with a sense of magic, mystery and growing beauty.

I am at present writing the script which will be based on relationship issues and related to "The Conversation" scenes, but also again realting to the Golden Ratio in terms of natural beauty and growing in life - life experience - growing as a person- thoughts growing in your mind etc.
I will explore the use of sound and will use some kind of narration in the animated parts to create a seamless quality and I want the viewer to use their imagination somehow as well.
I'm excited about this project and I will produce a prototype of one scene so to try and concentrate my efforts and to create something stunning. A Plan and Deliverables will be on here soon. Any thoughts or comments would be appreaciated.
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